Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Celiac Disease More Condition_symptoms Whats' The Difference Between Having Celiac Disease And A Gluten Sensitivity?

Whats' the difference between having celiac disease and a gluten sensitivity? - celiac disease more condition_symptoms

If you are allergic to gluten, this means that you have celiac disease? I'm confused. Thank you.


☆paperbag princess☆ said...

Celiac disease can be diagnosed by a blood test for gluten sensitivity, can not be. It is an indicator to see if you are celiac genes, which give the impression that you can have a greater sensitivity to gluten may have.

If you have celiac then to digest gluten, which is actually poisoning your body. However, a person with a gluten allergy, the body really is not poison, it's just not good for you. Most people with gluten sensitivity are not allergic as an allergy to nuts, for example.

A person with celiac disease also increases the chances of developing colon cancer, the 3 times (it is indeed the probability of developing colorectal cancer, only 1% in the normal population). This occurs in people with gluten sensitivity.

In principle, have similar symptoms.

Hope this helps.


sailor said...

Celiac disease is an intolerance to gluten. The villi of the small intestine are flattened and the gluten molecules through the intestinal wall and the body then develops antibodies against the molecule to migrate from gluten. The flattening of the villi and the absence of the digestive system breaks down, and depending on which part of the intestine that the worse in May led to a series of problems such as deficiencies in certain vitamins and minerals, diarhea, bloating is concerned, gas, etc.
An allergy is a reaction to histamine, a substance and results in nasal secretions, sneezing, etc. that you associate with the use of antihistamines.
So, if you are allergic to gluten, then symptoms of allergies and then take antihistamine allergy medication drawbacks.
The only treatment for celiac disease is to follow a strict gluten-free and the small bowel repair itself and then stay still on the diet to avoid further violations, to enable it.
Gluten sensitivity is as preceliac effect in which the consumption of gluten, the symptoms of celiac disease, but only if you eat too much. Also,Blood analysis and endoscopy will not be shown celiac disease, but when you eat is not sensitive to gluten do not feel much better, too.
You can hear a person with celiac disease say that they are allergic to gluten, in conversation with a waiter in a restaurant or someone you know, because sometimes it is easier to the point where you can not contain gluten, because people understand the word to avoid allergies and allergens that intolerance of free expression.

Lisa said...

It is the same.

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