Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Michigan 223 Caliber Gun AR-15 Hunting In Michigan?

AR-15 hunting in Michigan? - michigan 223 caliber gun

The game laws of the State of Michigan, we are unable to hunt a deer with a .22 caliber rifle. What is the place in this category, 223 is illegal? And you have any further information you can use for hunting in the AR-223 15?


J Kirsch said...

Rules of Michigan, said that in areas that (the use of center fire rifles ie Upper Peninsula), it is legally possible), at deer with a firearm, except class ring, a .22 (or less hunting. However, they have a magazine of 5 rounds for hunting with an AR 15 to buy, it is illegal to hunt with a rifle or semi-automatic center-fire weapon that could hold more than 6 shots in the barrel and magazine combined Michigan.

All that said ... Personally, I think, use their very bad idea to cycle error with bullets lighter weight (cough.223cough), which are not intended to provide adequate penetration of the big games to full-bodied. If you use an AR-style rifle to hunt deer, then I would be better with a AR10, 308 Caliber.

Judge said...

that would be a legal use, but not a good idea. unless your planning to do, head shots and you're just a damn good shot, then I would not even consider using this class. because if you take an injection of lung or something other than the head, then goes right to strike and can kill deer, but a greater chance that an injury and that I would die, and not available before. If you want a good gun for deer bigger than somethign, 223

Anonymous said...

The 5.56/.223 as centerfire, 22 classified. However, if 22 to participate easy for the human form Deer size game. At least one or .25-06, Remington 243rd If you like the design of the RA will receive something .308/7.62x51 caliber.


Chris said...

The current number of rules that say specifically, Michigan DNR .22 caliber or smaller ring. So it would be legal, but I think the game was in MI on the large side, so it's not the best option anyway.

AL said...

Yes its a 22caliber or 22 families.

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