Thursday, January 28, 2010

Free Pinky Movies To Pinky About Poor Prisoners?

To pinky about poor prisoners? - free pinky movies

She said:
"I think the death penalty is the easy way. Lethal Injection This was not in pain and I know not to believe. I believe that living in a jail cell with a small hole in a window closed, and the food by a door "
Do you have the jails and prisons?
The bodies are prone to health care (free access) have, they get very good food and bathing facilities) (free access and are monitored by the FDA and health org is better than restaurants, schools, etc. here.
The practice of modern facilities are available (open access) and free access to education, legal services, not pay taxes, rent or utilities, and are not confined to small rooms at any time except in movies or Bitty.
Now look what they have and what you and your children and ask yourself who pays what.


independ... said...

Ah! Yes, why criminals are treated better than law-abiding citizens. simple four-letter the ACLU.
I agree with you, the criminals must stay in their cells twenty hours a day and the water bowl na Sered them as food. Processing criminasl the United States should eqaul other countries. I understand that in some other countries, during the execution of a criminal, implementation of the family of the perpetrators Bill.
It would be a good idea here in the U.S..

UppityBr... said...

Wow ... What has visited prison? I want to be a good friend, how are transferred! TOP health care would be nice! I had a small cavity is a tooth and the answer is to remove the tooth, it must consult a doctor to (a prescription for a chronic illness, no, not a recreational drug is to be renewed with a strong potential Prilosec) can not, however, to doctor because he bleeds, and when this script is to be renewed, it will pay for it or not, whether their mother or I will. The situation in both health deteriorated in prison after a federal judge recently ordered the entire department in recievership.
Sharing a cell of 6 x 12 with a different man, and considers himself lucky that there are 3 in this cell, due to the extremely overcrowded facilities, which must leave the cell of 4 hours per day, showers, chow, a lounge and a courtyard of the time ... and that is when the plant is not in custody because of the severe shortage of staff with a hiring freeze imposed by Governor ... Birth, what I reallys in the cell, 24 / 7, food passes through the door, etc., all that remains is the e-mail (and indeed, I send you paper, envelopes and postage, but a letter to a lawyer the plate and no money in books, not prison for not paying letters ).... "Lawful access" You speak so freely is a library of outdated laws, which up to 2 hours per week instead of driving time before a court is also the time ... Even educational programs, where a prisoner is eligible, and there is a vacancy in the class ..... and will probably need to try to improve these people in order to raise the chances of productive citizens upon release to?
The showers are hot and relatively clean, but the inmates buy their own soap, shampoo, toothpaste, etc.
The food is a joke and is legal only in the quantity and quality ... Most of the prisoners very creative with ramen above, there are commisary ...
What are the "modern practice" mean? My friend has one aerobic ROUTINE in his cell in the morning and spends about half his time in the yard of their operating costs typically 3 to 5 miles, but no one will be available ... I'm not complaining about it, but I wonder where you get your information.

Yes, my friend, what is she a model prisoner who did not have the call disiplinary internal problems.
I could go on, but I really want to know what the prison, which you base your statements because they are certainly not in California!

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